Sunflower Meal

Sunflower meal is the end product of sunflower seed processing in refined sunflower oil production. It consists of vegetable cellulose, with most of its original oily substances removed. Sunflower meal is traditionally used in animal and poultry farming as a protein source for formula feed and feed supplement production.

Private Enterprise Viktor & K commercially supplies high-protein pelletized or non-pelletized sunflower meal generated by our own oil production facility, certified to comply with the requirements of the GMP+ feed safety assurance system. Sunflower meal is shipped in bulk using dump semi-trailer trucks or railroad hoppers.


Sunflower Meal Specification


meal sunflower, high-protein
appearance non — granulated
odor, color according to DSTU 4638:2006
mass part of residual
quantity of solvent
0,06 %
mass part of
extraneous impurities
not detected
mass part of metal impurities
parts in size under 2 mm, no more than
parts in size under 2 mm
0,01 %
not detected
pest contamination not detected
mass part of moisture and volatile matters 9,4 — 10,2 %
moisture and volatile matters mass part 0,7 — 1,5 %
raw protein in absolutely dry matter 39,5 — 40,0 %
summarized mass part of soluble protein
to the total protein quality
70,4 %
mass part of ash insoluble in 10% НCI in
recalculation on abs.dry matter
0,74 %
mass part of cellulose in recalculation on abs. dry matter 21,0 %
overall energy value, caloricity unit not less than 0,968
pesticides, radionuclides, toxic elements, nitrates, nitrites, mycotoxins contents and toxicity according to DSTU 4638:2006
3 months under storage conditions in places which are equipped with combined extract and input ventilation, are well ventilated, dry and clean, are not infected with grain stocks pests, and are protected from penetration of direct sunlight and heat sources with carrying out periodic inward-warehouse mixing. Before storage and dispatch, sunflower meal shall be cooled to the temperature not over 35˚C or no more than 5˚C over environment temperature under relative air humidity 70% and the temperature over 30˚C.


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